Google Shopping
How It Works
For merchants already selling products with the Google Shopping program, the reviews used to appear as a regular text-only review with an average star rating. Shoppers can now see products they are searching for come to life with visual product reviews, text and an average star rating.
The process is simple – searchers find products they are interested in on Google. The average star rating is visible underneath the products in the top sponsored advertising product carousel or to the right of the organic results page. Reviews are accessible with one click on the number next to the stars or by choosing the “view more” option on mobile Shopping ads. Shoppers are then taken to a reviews page where all of the photo reviews are listed.

Customers are expecting more out of their online shopping experiences than ever before. Brands and retailers that offer visual user-generated content within their reviews create a more engaging shopping experience for buyers. Adding strong social proof with visual product photos along with the text reviews adds credibility and trust for shoppers that are unaware of certain brands. Research shows that photo reviews convert at an average of 91% more than regular text reviews making this update a huge advantage to merchants who qualify. The integration between Loox and Google Shopping allows merchant’s reviews to flow directly onto their Google Shopping ads.
For merchants to qualify, stores must have a Google Merchant Center account linked with a Google Ads account. If the store does not already have an account set up, follow these step-by-step instructions.
This opportunity is available for all active Loox Scale and Unlimited plans. Merchants must have 50+ reviews across all product offerings to participate in Product Ratings through Google’s Merchant Center. Products must have an average of 3-star ratings per product. Some restrictions may apply by the country.