New in November: Snippets Widget, Shop App Integration, and More!
What’s happening this month?
- Meet Snippets, our newest widget
- Shop App Integration is now live!
- Coming soon - a new way to boost post-purchase sales with Smart Upsells
- Tips and tricks you won't want to miss
Show a glimpse of your best reviews at the top of product pages
We recently asked Loox merchants to vote for the reviews widget they’d most like to see on their store. It's now time to introduce the Snippets Widget - our first winner!
The widget is now available for you on all Loox plans. You can use it to display your best product reviews at the top of your product pages, to gain instant trust, and secure more sales.
It ensures your hard-earned social proof is always visible to visitors, so no matter how long they spend on the page, they can immediately see your customers' experience and are more likely to click “add-to-cart”.
<link-to-button> Add Snippets Widget<link-to-button>
See the Snippets Widget in action
It’s only been a few weeks but our newest widget has been a huge hit!
We've loved seeing so many stores with the Snippets Widget in action. Take a look at some of our favorites, to discover how you can leverage your positive reviews using the Snippets Widget.
<link-to-button> Check it out <link-to-button>
Sell More on Shop - Loox & Shop Integration
Get your ratings and reviews synced to Shop this holiday season!
You can now sync reviews between your online store and the Shop app, to stand out and sell more. This integration is your key to increased trust and better conversions on this fast-growing sales channel.
The integration is automatically enabled for online stores that meet Shop’s eligibility requirements. All new reviews will be synced right away. Older reviews may take a few weeks to appear.
<link-to-button> Learn more<link-to-button>
Coming soon - Smart Upsell

Using Loox Upsell, you can show social proof with post-purchase offers to gain more customer trust. It's about to get even easier to get started and see results.
Our upcoming Smart Upsell will help you automate post-purchase offers and present the product that's most likely to convert to each cart.
Stay tuned for more details!
Loox Tips and Tricks
If you still haven’t gotten a chance to visit the Loox Academy, make sure to check it out now and learn how to get the most out of your Loox account!
Whether you’re new to Loox or are already a pro, you’ll discover new ways to boost your social proof marketing game with video tutorials, tips, and guides.